logoContent Collections

Quickstart CLI

Setup guide for the Content Collections CLI

Install required packages:

We have to install the following packages:

  • @content-collections/core
  • @content-collections/cli
  • concurrently
npm i @content-collections/core @content-collections/cli concurrently -D

Adjust your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    // ...
    "paths": {
      "content-collections": ["./.content-collections/generated"]

We require a path alias for the generated files. This is necessary because the CLI will generate the files in the .content-collections/generated folder.

Add the content-collection cli to your package.json scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "concurrently \"content-collections watch\" \"build-scripts dev\"",
    "build": "content-collections build && build-scripts build"

First, we modify the dev script to simultaneously execute the content-collections watch command along with our regular dev command.

Next, we execute the content-collections build command prior to our regular build command.

Note: Make sure to replace build-scripts with the appropriate command for your framework, such as next or vite.

Add the new .content-collections directory to your project's .gitignore file — the files in this directory are always regenerated and can be safely ignored by Git.


Create a content-collections.ts file at the root of your project:

import { defineCollection, defineConfig } from "@content-collections/core";
const posts = defineCollection({
  name: "posts",
  directory: "src/posts",
  include: "**/*.md",
  schema: (z) => ({
    title: z.string(),
    summary: z.string(),
export default defineConfig({
  collections: [posts],

This file defines a collection named posts in the src/posts folder. The collection will include all markdown files (**/*.md) and the schema will validate the title and summary fields.

For more information about the configuration have a look at the documentation.

Create your content files (e.g.: src/posts/hello-world.md):

title: "Hello world"
summary: "This is my first post!"
# Hello world
This is my first post!
... rest of the content

You can create unlimited content files. These files will be validated against the schema defined in the content-collections.ts file. If the files are valid, they will be automatically added to the posts collection.

Usage in your code:

import { allPosts } from "content-collections";

Now you can just import the allPosts collection and use it in your code. The allPosts collection will contain all posts that are valid. The post object will contain the title, summary and content fields as well as some meta information in the _meta field.

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